SL2 Regression & Classification

1 minute read


Regression & Classification

1. Regression

1. Linear regression::

  1. Always has slope < 1 —> lean toward mean
  2. if f(x)=c, then c=mean —> can be proved by differentiating sum of square error

2. Polynomial regression:

  1. The higher the degree, the less the training error. But will overfit.
  2. How to find the vector w for polynomial regression?

3. Regression error:

  1. Sensor error-device
  2. Malicious data
  3. Transcription error
  4. Unmodeled influences

4. What is cross validation:

  1. Fundamental Assumption of CV: IID—  data are Independent and Identically Distributed. No inherent difference between training, test, and real world data. 
  2. Randomly partition the training data into k folds of equal size.
  3. Train the model on all the (k-1) folds except for one
  4. Validate model’s performance using the left fold,
  5. Repeat using different combinations of folds.
  6. Average the error.

5. What will happen on the CV error when the degree of polynomial increases?:

  1. It will be higher than the training error when degree=0 — because there is no prior knowledge
  2. Then decrease as degree increases
  3. After a certain points, the CV error starts to decreases, since the model begins overfitting.